Nelson Irrigation was involved in drip irrigation back in the 1990s. It was an exploration into a widely popular irrigation method. As time went on, we realized that the commodity nature of manufacturing drip tape did not fit our business model and we identified major short-comings to drip such as field maintenance problems, retrieval issues and massive amounts of plastic waste. There are some instances when drip still makes sense, dual drip and sprinkler systems in orchards for instance. But we stick to our belief in Full Coverage Irrigation and its many benefits including germination for field crops, salinity management, growing cover crops in orchards, and so on.

Like flood, drip still needs functional control systems. Nelson offers Air Control solutions and the sleeve-style 800 Series and 1000 Series Control Valve lines. Couple them with the TWIG® Wireless Control System and you can achieve full system automation.

1000 Series Valves are highly effective in drip zone control.
